
Friday, March 4, 2022

ANP demands respect for press confidentiality and rejects legal action against journalism

The National Press Association (ANP), which represents the main Bolivian print media, demanded that judicial authorities respect the secrecy of news sources protected by the Printing Press Law and rejected any legal action contrary to this principle.

The statement was issued after learning of the warning of legal action against the newspaper Página Siete, which was ordered to reveal its sources in a letter signed by the president of the Departmental Court of Justice of Santa Cruz, Edil Robles Lijerón.

Página Siete denounced, on March 1, the existence of bribes during the evaluation process for the appointment of judges with payments of between US$3,000 and US$15,000 for obtaining a judicial position and access to the questions of an exam at the Judges School.

"Due to the above mentioned and in the framework of Article 24 of the CPE, I request a retraction or clarification with names and surnames regarding what was stated in reference to the Judicial Branch", states the letter sent by Robles Lijerón to the printed media.

The newspaper explained to its readers that "the names of the lawyers (complainants) were kept confidential at their request. It is very risky to give the names, that is why nobody wants to denounce', said one of the lawyers before telling his case".

The ANP asked the judicial authorities that the denunciations made by Página Siete and other news media be the reason for an investigation, instead of actions that threaten the freedom of the press and the Printing Press Law, both included in the Political Constitution of the State (CPE).

The secrecy of information sources is protected by Article 8 of the Printing Press Law, which states: The secrecy in matters of printing is inviolable. 

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