Through a statement issued this Thursday, the European Union expressed: "(...) We emphasize that none of the components of the cooperation program with Bolivia includes or can be used for the purchase of weaponry."
This contradicts what the Minister of Government, Eduardo Del Castillo, stated during the delivery of weaponry and equipment to combat drug trafficking to the Special Force for the Fight Against Drug Trafficking.
"We have found a strategic partner to fight drug trafficking internationally, which is the European Union, and thanks to this economic support, we have been able to purchase more than 500 weapons; we have been able to upgrade 2 (helicopters) UH, now they are 2 super way; we have already launched 3 Super Puma, one (airplane) C-130, 4 (aircraft) Cessna (...)", Del Castillo declared this Thursday.
Meanwhile, in a press release from that government department, it is detailed: "The weaponry was acquired with the support of the European Union and required an approximate investment of 20 million bolivianos."
On the other hand, the European Union, in the statement issued this Thursday, published the scope of its cooperation program with Bolivia.
"The European Union wishes to remind the public that its cooperation program to combat organized crime and controlled substances in Bolivia aims to strengthen Bolivian anti-drug policies and reduce the supply and demand for illegal drugs within the framework of comprehensive development with coca," reads the first paragraph of the document.
It also clarifies that this program "is the result of a strategy aligned between the priorities of the Bolivian government and those of the EU."
Ministry of Government rectifies
On Thursday night, hours after Del Castillo's statements, the Ministry of Government issued a statement rectifying the minister's assertion. Clarifying that European support was intended for the acquisition of technological equipment, without mentioning the purchase of weapons as mentioned earlier.
"In relation to the recent statements by the European Union that: "none of the components of the cooperation program to Bolivia includes or can be used for the purchase of weaponry," it is important to clarify the following:
It is important to detail that the weaponry presented today in Chimoré was acquired with own resources from the monetization carried out by Dircabi with assets seized from drug trafficking. The resources for the maintenance and repair of the aircraft come from the TGN, and finally, the resources from the European Union were used for the acquisition of technological equipment such as: night vision goggles, portable equipment for the identification of controlled substances (mass spectrometer equipment, FTIR and RAMAN analysis equipment, RAMAN analyzer equipment).
With this clarified, we express from the Bolivian Government our firm interest in continuing to work with our strategic partners in the fight against drug trafficking.
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